A blog for women: issues we face, devotionals, mom talk and stories, craft ideas, and anything that is worth sharing.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Made For People

No one likes to feel alone. Loneliness is a very real and powerful feeling. I think it can be defined best by a lack there of. Loneliness is the lacking of feeling like you belong.
We all have a very real need for people, love, belonging, and community.

We weren't made to be alone, hence why God made Eve. It was not good for Adam to be alone. Whenever I feel my very best it is when I am surrounded by other people who love and understand me.

So, why do we go through so much of life by ourselves? In our own little worlds? A lot of times people try to get in, but we push them away. We live in a time and culture that says, 'I am too busy for friendships,' 'I am an independent person,' 'I don't NEED anyone.' Are we buying into these lies? I know that I have and ultimately it has left me feeling lonely.

We need people in our lives who love us, encourage us, and continuously pull us back to the Gospel. Not only that, but we need people in our lives who we can serve, love, and encourage as well.

I will say it again, we were not meant to do life alone. I really encourage you to take a step, a small leap of faith to become a part of a community. Join a small group at your church, a book club, a music or art class, join a work out group for moms...something that brings you together with people who you will let into your life. You won't regret it!

1 comment:

  1. So true! God says to not forsake assembling together. We were made for connection...nm
