A blog for women: issues we face, devotionals, mom talk and stories, craft ideas, and anything that is worth sharing.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Are You Okay?

My son turned 2 this last Saturday and on his birthday he started something new. He started asking people if they were "okay." It started with him asking my younger brother during the party. He said, "Trent, you okay?" That night while I was rubbing my itchy eyes (I'm recovering from a cold) he came up to me and said, "Mommy, you okay?" I was touched and thought it was so cute. Ever since he has asked me a couple of times each day if I am okay.
I wondered if he could sense that something might be wrong or if he was just thinking about me and wanted to ask.
It made me also wonder how often do I ask others if they are okay. Not just asking the question, like in the sense of 'how are you today?' But really looking at somebody and really caring to know if they are okay and taking the time to listen to the answer.
We all go through hard times- big and small- and it can really make a difference if just one person noticed and one person asked- are you okay?
I want to make the effort to care. I want to be a listening ear, an encouraging smile, a shoulder to cry on. I want to live a life that reaches out to others and doesn't just think about myself.
That is the lesson I learned from my 2 year old this week and I am thankful for it. :)

1 comment:

  1. Parker does this too! He started about that age, and a year later, he still does it! I LOVE it, I hope he is always this gentle hearted! :)
