A blog for women: issues we face, devotionals, mom talk and stories, craft ideas, and anything that is worth sharing.

Monday, February 14, 2011

All We Need Is LOVE

Happy Valentine's Day!

No matter if you are married, dating, or single we all have some kind of love in our life and that is always worth celebrating. :)

A lot of people talk about how awful Valentine's Day is and how it is a ploy from the greeting card companies. Well, even if that is true I would still celebrate. Like some say, we should show our love to those who mean a lot to us through out the whole year- and I agree! But, sometimes I think we need a little reminder and what is so wrong with having one day each year to give us that little reminder?

With all of that being said, I want to take a moment and ask what are you doing to celebrate today? Today can be a special time for couples to spend quality time together and it can be a fun time for kids and family! I would encourage you to think a little outside the box on this Valentine's Day...

Our church is doing "Valentine's for Orphans." Instead of spending as much on ourselves, we are putting some of that money towards buying supplies for an orphanage in Haiti. We went as a family earlier today to buy diapers and formula for these orphans. It felt so good to show charitable love in a tangible way today. I think this will be a new Valentine's tradition for my family and me.

What ever you do today do it in love. :)

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