A blog for women: issues we face, devotionals, mom talk and stories, craft ideas, and anything that is worth sharing.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Unexpected

We just returned yesterday evening from our trip to Oregon. You never know what to expect when flying with a baby, so I start to feel a bit anxious before we took off.

I was trying to be peaceful and calm yesterday as we prepared to go through airport security when we found out that our flight had been delayed by 1 1/2 hours and we still had 2 hours until the new announced take off. I was so caught off guard and started to panic since Caden's nap time had already passed 15 minutes beforehand and I knew he might have a overtired meltdown at any moment!

However, with a moment to calm down and pray I relaxed a bit and we took the opportunity to spend a few more moments with my grandma and grandpa-in-law. We went to the airport book store and then sat down in a little cafe.

Once we did get through security we waited for the plane to arrive...which was 15 minutes late from the delayed time...but we boarded and were pleasantly surprised! The flight attendant told me that the plane was full, but with the delay is now only two-thirds full, so we could spread out. Plus, once we started to take off Caden fell fast asleep and stayed asleep until we hit home ground.

The delay was upsetting at first, but turned out to be a blessing in disguise. It was one of the most relaxing plane rides I have ever taken.

Next time something unexpected and naturally upsetting happens to you try and take a moment to pray and calm down. Once you have a positive perspective you might be surprised that what you didn't want to happen actually was exactly what you needed. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, so true! Rom 8:28, really applied here....sometimes we are tested, to see how we respond. So happy this turned out the way it did in the end!
