A blog for women: issues we face, devotionals, mom talk and stories, craft ideas, and anything that is worth sharing.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Family Time

I have a very new and small family. It's just my husband, my (almost) 9 month old, and me. My husband and I have been married for 4 1/2 years and the majority of that time it was just the two of us. It was easy to do fun things together, because #1 we could be spontaneous and #2 there was a whole span of things we could do.

Now with Caden in the picture, our family has increased and our love has increased, but our ability to spend time together has gotten harder to achieve.

Any one who has a family or "specializes" in relationships will express the importance of spending quality time together. Of course, you don't need to go out or spend money to accomplish this, but sometimes it is fun to go do something "special" that isn't just at home.

Since Caden has gotten a little bit older we have started a new tradition in our family. We have set aside some money in our budget each month for us to go out to lunch every Sunday after church. It has been going great so far. We catch up, share what we got out of church, and just spend time getting to know each other all over again. I hope it will continue for quite some time as our family gets older and bigger.

I encourage you to make some sort of weekly tradition to do with your family. The point is to have fun together, grow together, and just love on each other. However you go about it, I guarantee it will be a blessing.


  1. I love every moment that I get to spend with you :-) Thanks for being such a great mom and wife!

  2. We need to do this too. I think it'll be easier for us once it warms up. You're little family is very precious.

  3. It's SO important to have a time that you know will be spent with your family!! More people need to do this!
