A blog for women: issues we face, devotionals, mom talk and stories, craft ideas, and anything that is worth sharing.

Friday, January 28, 2011

My Life Changer

There have been so many ups and downs in my life. Hard times, good times, sad times, blessed times...just like everyone else. Things change, people change, situations change. But one thing has stayed the same since I was 14 years old...

Once Jesus entered my life the roller coaster that I sometimes felt I was riding was still difficult at times, but there was a peace. God never changes, He always sticks to His word, He never breaks a promise, He is ALWAYS there. Isn't there such relief in that?

I don't want to know what life without God would be like. I don' want to know how situations or relationships could have turned out if I didn't have Jesus in my life. He is my Faithful Father who knows my heart, my needs, and every situation in my life. He will not leave me nor forsake me, purely by His grace.

When going through this life I hope that you will claim the love of Christ. Know that He is on your side.

"And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us? And if our God is with us then what could stand against?"

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Salvation through faith in Christ is a life changer! I would never choose to go back to the old life...

