A blog for women: issues we face, devotionals, mom talk and stories, craft ideas, and anything that is worth sharing.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

So This Is Motherhood?

Something AMAZING happened to me this past year...I became a mom. Since I was a little girl, I always knew I wanted to be a mom. People always ask, when you are a student, what do you want to be when you "grow up?" As I grew, so did my aspirations...I wanted to be a lawyer, and then an actress, and then a writer, and so on. The only thing that ever stayed consistent was my desire to one day be a stay-at-home-mom.

Little did I know, that dream would come true at only 22 years old. And, little did I know how hard it would be! Haha. I think as young girls/women we fantasize the role of being a mom. I have never done anything that takes so much out of me as this! It is so hard trying to balance the house work, the cooking, the shopping, paying the bills, etc. on top of taking care of all the needs of a baby all while running on only a few decent hours of sleep.
The funny thing is, every single mom knows the feeling of being "at the end of your rope" but none of us would change it for anything! When it comes to being a mom the good moments ALWAYS outweigh the bad.
I am just at the beginning of this long journey of motherhood. I know there will be times when I want to pull my hair out, cry, run away even! Haha. But I know that with the help from other moms, my husband, my family, and, more than anything, God I can make it through. And maybe even do somewhat of a good job. :)


  1. You are right, Ang, the good outweighs the bad. You are fortunate to have a good support group, as well as the One who promises to give you wisdom and guidance all of your days....sm
