A blog for women: issues we face, devotionals, mom talk and stories, craft ideas, and anything that is worth sharing.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Scary World

The internet is a great thing, but also comes with a lot of dangers. It can be scary at times! Nowadays, the garbage comes to you! I have been minding my own business on the internet and a popup of a naked woman appears right before my eyes! Talk about disturbing and disgusting!

As a wife and new mother I am very concerned about what the internet brings into my home, yet it can be a good thing and I don't want to get rid of it entirely. So, for a year now our household has used a parental control system. It is called Safe Eyes.

It lets the user administrator, that is me, have a login and password that allows only you to change the settings, restrict certain websites, or block themes such as "pornography" or "nudity". The administrator also can disable it for any amount of time for any reason. It has put my mind at ease and I know will be such a blessing when my young son eventually starts to utilize the internet.

It does cost $50 a year, which is priceless when you think of the security it brings. I highly recommended it to any family or any Christian wanting to guard themselves from the junk that is on the internet.

1 comment:

  1. Good to know. It is pretty sad how much 'crap' is on the internet as well as tv. I can't believe how bad some of the commercials are. It's sad really.
